Lesters Chapel
United Methodist Church
We at Lesters Chapel are about God's mission.
We reach out to our community. We help each other. We spread Gospel love. We study God's word.
We eat together. We worship together.
We want you to bring your unique personality and gifts and join us.
Welcome Home to Lesters Chapel!


Join Us Sundays
@ 11:00 a.m.
as we celebrate
the season of Lent
Lent reminds us that, again and again, suffering and brokenness find us. When we embrace the fullness of the promise of the Resurrection, we desire to live as disciples. We are disciples who make disciples. We still need this season. We need the observance to open us to all God has in store for us. Rend your hearts, so that we can claim the promise.
We Welcome our Pastor and His Wife to Lesters Chapel UMC!

Marcia and I were both born in Florence, AL. Marcia moved to Memphis in pre-school and grew up there, returning to Florence in her high school years. Both of us graduated from Coffee High School, me in 1968, and Marcia in 1971.
Both of us came to faith in Jesus Christ during the Jesus Revolution that began in California and moved across the U.S. in the late 1960's. Soon after my conversion to Christ, I began to sense a call to ministry. It was around that time in 1971 that I met Marcia, and fifteen months later, we got married. After I finished college at UNA, we moved to Lexington, KY, for three years, and I attended and graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree.
Afterwards, it was back to North Alabama where we have lived since, serving twelve appointments over almost fifty years.
We have three grown children (all married) and seven grandchildren who all live in the Greater Birmingham area.
Marcia received her college degree in Nursing from UAH and later her Master’s Degree/Nurse Practitioner training from Mississippi University for Women. She is now retired and is an artist. You can find her artwork at Paintingbythelake.blogspot.com and on Facebook at Marcia Hodges, Artist.
I am happy to "officially" be your pastor, and I look forward to getting to know each of you better and to serving God together.
Don't hesitate to call on me if you need a pastor. You can reach me at:
Cell phone: 205-420-1811
Email: audiehodges@gmail.com
Have you noticed the Blessing Box in our church yard? Cade Bailey, a recent graduate of Chelsea High School, has built the Blessing Box for his Eagle Scout project. Cade chose our church because he thought it would be a natural outgrowth from our monthly Community Food Table. The Blessing Box is located under the trees near the playground, and he has stocked the box with some canned products for families in need of assistance. Anyone in need can take what he or she needs from the Blessing Box. Please spread this good news in the community. And thank you, Cade!

Art with a Purpose has been one of our most fulfilling and giving small groups. Check our Facebook page for upcoming projects and meeting times.

A few of our artists laying mosaic stepping stones and creating collage masterpieces!

Paint 'N' Pray is another part of Art with a Purpose. Artist Rachel East guides us in painting a flower or pumpkin or Christmas barn--the choices are endless-- and she also leads us in a brief Bible Study. There are also snacks and lots of laughter!